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Rick And Morty Goes Full 90's X-Men In A New Season Four Trailer, Which Is Still Only The Third Weirdest Thing The Show Has Ever Done

Getting Schwifty has never looked so retro and crazy.

It goes without saying that Rick and Morty is a show that embraces its weirdness wholeheartedly and will shoot you in the face with its portal gun if you ever question it.

So it is probably no surprise that the show decided to pull out all the stops in a new season four trailer, which abandons its usual animation style in favour of a full-on 90’s X-Men anime style.

Getting Schwifty has never looked so retro and crazy.

Rick and Morty fighting baddies as hero and sidekick? Check.

Beth and Summer doing the badass back-to-back thing with their guns pointed at the camera? Check.

Cameo appearance from a beloved character? Check and hello Armothy!

Absolutely no information about season four? Check (sadly).

No Jerry? Double check.

Swapping animation styles is certainly a new benchmark for Rick and Morty, but given how the show has pushed its craziness levels to Gazorpazorp heights over the past three seasons, going full 90’s X-Men probably only ranks as the third or so weirdest thing it has done.

For the record, Pickle Rick and Total Rickall remain the pinnacle of Rick and Morty bizarreness because nothing has topped the moment Rick says:

Given how there are 70 new episodes of Rick and Morty to come over the course of whenever Dan Harmon can be bothered to write them up, an entire episode of Rick and Morty as 90’s X-Men is probably a certainty.

Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show went full CGI or live-action. 70 episodes is a LOT of time to fill so you might as well go crazy, which I suspect is exactly what’s going on in the Rick and Morty writer’s room right now.