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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Dodgy DIY Sex Toys Coming Out Of COVID-19 Are Worrying

Not everything is a good lube. Just sayin'.

The COVID-19 lockdown has caused dating to become virtually non-existent, resulting in a horny panic and the creation of a new genre of porn. This probably isn’t too surprising given how bored everyone is these days. What’s surprising is how far some people will go to get off because the COVID-19 lockdown has created a spike in sex toys, especially homemade ones.

Speaking of COVID-19 and sex toys, the GOAT team talk about Pornhub’s contribution to relief efforts on ‘It’s Been A Big Day For…’ below:

While sales of sex toys have surged since the COVID-19 lockdown came into effect, horny cash-strapped folk have resorted to homemade solutions. According to OnBuy (as per Dazed), Google searches for DIY sex toys and lube have skyrocketed in the UK with over 23,000 searches in March alone.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with getting off while in COVID-19 isolation, but there are some worrying things coming out of this homemade approach.

It is reported that people have been Googling potential pleasure-giving things like phones with the vibration function cranked up, electric toothbrushes, washing machines, hairbrushes, and of course, cucumbers. Vibrating phones and cucumbers are understandable, but the electric toothbrushes and hairbrushes are a bit… questionable.

Got a question about sex toys (of the non-DIY kind)? The GOAT team has you covered with our ‘Thinking Between The Thighs’ podcast below:

Experts are issuing out warnings for the more adventurous folk who are wondering what would make a good toy and/or lube – i.e those wondering whether things like toothpaste are acceptable alternative fapping tools.

Gynecologist Dr Shree Datta told the Mirror that she’s wouldn’t recommend using homemade sex toys due to “the risk of infection and complications such as retained parts in the vagina.”

As for her thoughts on lube, well she previously warned against using toothpaste because it contains “bleaching agents, peppermint, or scented oils,” and all of these don’t go well inside human orifices because it can be “irritating and abrasive.” You’re probably thinking that this is common sense but you just know there’s someone out there who Googled this.

Speaking of lube (not the toothpaste kind), ‘Thinking Between The Thighs’ has an entire podcast episode dedicated to that very topic:

While Dr Datta isn’t a fan of using homemade sex toys during COVID-19 lockdown, Dr Lauren Streicher, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, is a bit more… open-minded shall we say.

Chatting to The New York Post, Dr Streicher says fapping with “things around the house” has been around “since the beginning of time” and it’s perfectly fine as long as you’re sensible.

That means making sure your makeshift dildo/vibrator doesn’t have any sharp edges and using a condom – not because of STDs or pregnancy scares but because you don’t want to go “fishing” if something like a piece of fruit breaks off because it “might be acidic.” Her words.

For those who have questions about sexual fantasies while in isolation, ‘Thinking Between The Thighs’ has you covered:

So in short, COVID-19 isolation is the perfect time to fap away but please be safe and use some common sense if you’re going down the DIY, homemade sex toy approach.

Toothpaste is good for cleaning teeth and not as a lube, and don’t forget to wash your hands before and afterwards.

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