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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

No, You're Not Imagining It, More People Are Dating Right Now

Looking for iso-lurve.

Dating through a global pandemic is quite the pickle.

Not only do you need to contend with the regular awkwardness that diving into the dating pool can bring, you have the added pressure of social-distancing rules… and the whole, y’know, end of the world vibe.

But despite the madness of this current set of circumstances, single folks are flocking to dating apps at record rates. Being cooped up at home feeling lonely and bored will do that to a person.

If you’ve noticed an unusually high number of matches coming your way in recent weeks, know that you’re not imagining it. There a considerably high numbers of people on the apps at the moment. That, combined with your charm and good looks, is a recipe for matches ‘a plenty, my friend.

According to a recent piece published in the New York Times, Hinge users have increased by 30 per cent in the past few months. In an interview with LA Magazine, the Global Marketing Officer at OKCupid, Melissa Hobley, shared that activity on the website is up by 20 to 30 per cent, also. Video dates on OKCupid have jumped up by four times the regular amount.

Where things get prickly, however, is when it comes to meeting up with prospective partners. Despite relaxing restrictions and a slow return to normal life, dating with social-distancing rules in place remains uncomfortable and kind of anxiety-inducing.

Not too long ago, the official recommendation was to avoid any physical interaction with people you don’t already live with. It was actually advised by government bodies that people prioritise sex with themselves, just to be safe.

So, while people are conversing with new people more right now, what happens come date time? Zoom is a convenient alternative for a short while, but then what? Socially distant strolls? Handholding through gloves? Mask make-outs?

Me on my first iso-date. Credit: Screen Gems

LA Magazine spoke to a single actress in the area who has an entire process worked out for her dating life.

“On the third or fourth date, if I think it’s time for some action,” she told the outlet.

“I invite him over to my house, like I did before the lockdown. Except now I ask to see his COVID test and check his temperature at the door.”

While this is pretty clearly not in line with safety guidelines, you’ve got to admit it’s kind of ingenious. Obviously it’s best to follow expert advice about social-distancing and dating, but hey, maybe buy a thermometer too – just in case?

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