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Feminists Have A Way Better Time In Bed, That's Just Science

Science once again asking life's biggest questions.

Not everyone out there is fully onboard the feminism train and that’s perfectly fine. Everyone is free to believe in what they want. But here’s a reason why anti-feminists may want to consider swapping teams: science says feminists have a hell of a lot more orgasms during sex.

According to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 462 heterosexual women from the UK were surveyed about their worldviews such as political ideology, religious beliefs, sexist and gendered beliefs, as well as their sexual beliefs and history.

After compiling all the data, researchers found that those who held anti-feminist views had faked way more orgasms over their lifetime compared to feminists.

So according to science, this means Sally is a raging anti-feminist.

Now that’s not to say only anti-feminists faked orgasms as 77% of the surveyed women in the study said they faked it when in bed. Other extenuating factors such as partner’s sexual skill (which unsurprisingly led to less orgasms) concerns over infidelity (which led to a higher likelihood of faking it), time management or trying to end bad sex quickly, played a big part in whether a woman faked an orgasm.

But perhaps the most interesting finding from this very scientific study was how gender ideology and beliefs factored into the frequency of real splooshes.

The study found that women who held anti-feminist or hostile sexism views fake orgasms more frequently compared to feminists and it has nothing to do with physical capabilities, as study author Emily A. Harris explains:

“Specifically, women who think that a man needs them to orgasm in order for that man to feel satisfied are going to feel greater pressure to orgasm, and will be more likely to fake her orgasms.

“Women who hold anti-feminist attitudes don’t have anything holding them back from faking orgasm, whereas women who adopt a feminist worldview may not fake orgasm because it goes against her belief in a woman’s right to pleasure, and her right to talk about sex openly.”

As interesting as these results are, the study isn’t perfect as it only looks into the experience of heterosexual women. Harris says further research into the topic is needed, particularly for women who aren’t with male partners, as well as additional insight into questions such as how faking an orgasm makes the “faker” and their partner feel.

So for those heterosexual women who are on the feminist fence and need a nudge in one direction, science just gave you a very good – and pleasurable reason – to fall into the feminist camp.