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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Science Says Kim Kardashian Is Apparently Making You Hate Poor People

It turns out that horrible television is secretly recruiting you to the wrong side of the class war.

You know how reality TV is a harmless fun thing that’s just totally a good way to unwind and silly and DON’T JUDGE MY CHOICES ALRIGHT MR FANCY-PANT ABC NEWS 24 GUY?

Well, turns out that you’re possibly being unwittingly recruited into the global class war thanks to the subtle power of propaganda. And it’s all the Kardashian’s fault.

More specifically, according to the Telegraph “new research from the London School of Economics found that even 60 seconds of exposure to materialistic media is enough to significantly increase anti-welfare sentiment.”

In other words: watching rich people makes you more likely to hate poor people. Which is amazing given how eminently hateable most of television’s rich people are.

“If there is more emphasis on materialism as a way to be happy, this makes us more inclined to be selfish and anti-social, and therefore unsympathetic to people less fortunate,” the study concluded. “This study can contribute to explanations for why the UK public’s support for welfare to aid the impoverished and unemployed has been decreasing.”

Oh god. Does this mean we have to add this to the reasons for Trump and Brexit? Because this is going to make it even more difficult to explain to future generations.