It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Deadset If You Knew What Was In Flood Water You Wouldn’t Be Driving In It

If you encounter it, make like Missy Elliot and back it up.

I was today years old when I learnt just how effed up flood water is. From the components to the dangers, it baffles me why so many people still take the plunge into that dirty, murky, disgusting water.

Research shows that, out of the 20 of you reading this, one of you will deliberately drive through floodwater, a fact we absolutely do not stan. And before you cut me off with your ill-advised reasons, allow me to explain why driving through flood water is one of the worst things you could do. 

Firstly, Your Car Is Not Gonna Save You

Seriously, you already know that your used sedan, your retro hatchback and your second-hand convertible will not survive a flash flood, but did you know that even utes, SUVs and 4-WDs aren’t safe? 

All it takes is for your tyres to be at the slightly wrong angle to then get caught in a whirlpool of gunk and shit and we know you don’t want that. Not to mention, the road under the water could have collapsed under the pressure. Remember the message from Titanic? What’s under the surface isn’t always what it seems. Don’t risk it!

The Water Is More Fkd Than You Think

So aside from the potential to drown and the potential electrocution, the water is actually extremely bad for your health. Flash flooding water builds up from pretty much any and everything it can get its hands on. This includes any bacteria, pesticides, sewage amongst all the flora and fauna out-and-about. So, next time you even consider driving when there is flooding, think about the road washouts under the surface, the hidden debris and the dangerous wildlife. Please, it could literally kill you. 

Also, Please Think of Other People 

If you’re still willing to take the risk of driving in flood water, please consider everyone else that may be affected. The diseases that you may (will definitely) get whilst driving through flash flooding could easily have an impact on all the people you come into contact with in your daily life. Not to mention, research shows that 70% of people believe it’s socially unacceptable to drive through flood water. So, if diseases don’t scare you, how ‘bout the judgement from all of your peers? And lastly, if you get caught in flash flooding, you are relying on someone else to get you out. So please, think of the authorities who you’re putting at risk when you act selfishly. 

Lastly, whatever is so important… is not that important

Research shows that 32% of people say they might drive through flood water if someone was waiting for them or to get to work. I promise you, a work-from-home day or a day off will be worth the disease-free life you will live by skipping driving in these unsafe conditions. 

So, if you happen to be in the 25% people that have considered driving through floodwater but have never done so, I hope that this article has convinced you otherwise. To learn more head to the Queensland Fire Emergency Services website.