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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Menu Has Major Billy Madison Vibes

It involves a lot of milk.

If you’ve been following Donald Trump’s impeachment, you’d be well aware that two articles, charging the President with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress have been submitted to the Senate. The trial is now in full swing, and from the outset, it looks like a bunch of people wearing boring suits having a really long, intense (sober) D&M. But if the impeachment menu is anything to go by, the trial is being run by a bunch of preschoolers.

There’s a longstanding Senate rule prohibiting food and drink from being on the floor during the impeachment trial, but we all know that all work and no food makes politicians dull boys – so the senators have come up with a sneaky menu loophole.

Listen to the GOAT team unpack Trump and his fellow Senator’s big boy milk and candy diet in the latest ep of It’s Been A Day For… below:

Apparently, water and milk (!!) are still allowed to be consumed in the chamber because of a precedent set all the way back in 1966. “Senate rules do not prohibit a Senator from sipping milk during his speech,” a presiding officer once stated.

Milk isn’t the only beverage senators have been sneaking onto the Senate floor, either. “Anecdotal evidence suggest that in years past senators have been allowed to bring other beverages, such as milk or orange juice, into the chamber,” assistant Senate historian Daniel Holt told Insider

If the milk wasn’t childish enough, there are also rumours of a ‘candy drawer’ on the Senate floor. According to Insider, GOP Sen. George Murphy of California started his sweetie stash back in 1965 and would secretly share them with his colleagues – a tradition that continues today.

Speaking to The Morning Call, spokesperson Steve Kelly said the candy menu is currently made up of with “Hershey’s bars with almonds, Rolo caramels, Milky Ways, 3 Musketeers bars, Palmer Peanut Butter Cups, and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.” 

The Senate floor is so much like a playground there’s even a rule prohibiting iPhones, talking or standing during the impeachment trial. AND one of the Senators is walking around playing with a fidget spinner…

For a group of people making some pretty important decisions about the future of Donald Trump’s Presidency, this menu sounds like kid’s stuff. 

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