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Roman Polanski Reckons Accusations Against Him Are Weinstein's Fault

“For years they have been trying to make me into a monster.”

You would really think that old Hollywood guys who have admitted to committing heinous sexual abuse would know that they should shut up in the #MeToo era, but no, they can’t help themselves. Case in point: Roman Polanski has said that it’s Weinstein’s fault that he’s being accused of new assaults.

Everyone to Roman Polanski

If you need a quick catch up, Roman Polanski directed some films that won some awards, but he’s also one of the creepiest creeps to ever creep.

In 1977, Polanski plead guilty to raping a 13 year old girl, Samantha Geimer. If you can believe it, he only plead guilty to get out of some even more serious charges. He bailed to France while on probation, and had an international arrest warrant put out against him. He’s never been back to the USA.

Since then, he’s been accused by five women of assaulting them when they were underage.

Sadly, he’s far from the only famous person accused of sleeping with underaged girls.

In an interview with a French magazine, Polanski has spoken out about the accusations, and shown absolutely no remorse over anything. He’s also blamed the media and Harvey Weinstein for all of this mess.

“For years they have been trying to make me into a monster,” he said, and by they he means the media. 

“In 1977 I made a mistake and it is my family who are paying the price half a century later. They seize on every new false accusation, no matter how absurd, because it lets them bring up this story. It is like a curse which keeps coming back and I can do nothing about.”

Let me be the first to say: good. I hope this “mistake” follows you around forever. 

As for Harvey Weinstein? According to Polanski, Weinstein brought the case back into the spotlight to sabotage Polanski’s Oscar hopes one of his movies won best film and best director at the 2003 Baftas.

“Weinstein, who had two films nominated at the Oscars, launched a campaign to stop [me getting the award]. It was him who dug up my case with Samantha Geimer from 26 years earlier, which at the time no one was interested in. It was his press agent who first called me a ‘child rapist.'”

Frankly, the two of them deserve each other. In the bin with you both.

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