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Prince Harry Got Prank Called And Ends Up Spilling Tea On Life, Megxit And Trump

It is scalding hot.

After living the stuffy life as a Royal, you get the feeling that Prince Harry just wants to spill all the tea once he and Meghan get out from under the Royal family. Well it appears that we don’t have to wait that long because thanks to a Greta Thunberg prank call (seriously), Prince Harry has spilled scalding hot tea on big topics like Megxit, Trump, Prince Andrew and living life as Royal.

Speaking of Prince Harry and Meghan, the GOAT team dive deep into the Royal Megxit on ‘It’s Been A Big Day For…’ below:

Now you’re probably wondering how Prince Harry, Greta Thunberg, and prank phone call all ended up in the same sentence and resulted in the spilling of some tasty tea. Well it all began when two Russian pranksters called up the Duke of Sussex while posing as Greta and her father, Svante, and what subsequently unfolded was a surprisingly wide-ranging conversation.

The recording of this conversation between Prince Harry and “Greta Thunberg” was originally posted on YouTube but has appeared to have disappeared. However, The Sun and Daily Mail have managed to obtain recordings and transcripts of two separate calls so go there if you want to listen since we can’t embed them here due to reasons.

There’s a lot to go through but here are the broad swishes of the tea Prince Harry spilled.

Prince Harry on Meghan and Megxit:

After telling “Greta” that Harry is “fine”, they go on to talk about Megxit. While he says it is “probably a conversation for another time”, Harry does reveal that “there’s lots of layers to [him and Meghan leaving] and lots of pieces to the puzzle.”

For those who think marrying a Prince or Princess is an exciting prospect, Harry says that it’s actually “not all it’s made out to be!”

As for why he and Meghan ultimately decided to leave, Harry says the “decision certainly wasn’t the easy one but it was the right decision for our family, the right decision to be able to protect my son.”

Prince Harry on Royal life and living life as a “pleb”

The Duke of Sussex admits that normal life is “much better” than he’s actually a lot “more normal than [his] family would like to believe” and attributes that to him being in the military for 10 years.

One thing Harry is looking forward to as a pleb is “the ability to say things and do things” he and Meghan previously couldn’t before laughing at how he can now be an activist “without being criticised” seeing as how “everyone under the age of 35 or 36 seems to be carrying out an activist’s role”.

Prince Harry on getting stripped of his Royal titles

Now here’s where it get really interesting as Harry says “no one has stripped [him and Meghan] of [their] titles” and not everything the press releases is accurate.

Clarifying what he means, Harry explains that “because of a technicality within the family, if we are earning money separately from within the family structure, then we obviously have been asked not to use our titles in order to make money, which we would never do.”

Prince Harry on Trump

Hoo boy, Harry doesn’t hold back here as he says Trump has “blood on his hands” due to the U.S. Cheeto-In-Chief’s constant pushing of the coal industry.

That was just the beginning as Harry says Trump will only meet with you “to make him look better” but he won’t talk to you about important things like climate change because “you will outsmart him.”

Harry did keep an open mind about Trump though as he says he would always chat to Combover Caligula if given the option as “it’s far more important to have an open dialogue and have conversation with these people than not.”

Prince Harry on Prince Andrew

For those hoping for some mouth-burning tea on Andrew, sadly you’re out of luck as Harry says he has “very little to say” on the topic and everything his uncle has done is “completely separate” from him and Meghan.

All in all, a lot of what Prince Harry said about Meghan, Megxit, Trump, Royal life and Prince Andrew really isn’t that scandalous, but it’s a big deal because we never hear a British Royal family member talk like this. Plus there’s the whole thing of how Harry somehow didn’t manage to figure out that he was talking to a man instead of a teenage girl from Sweden.

Maybe Prince Harry knew he was being pranked all along and he just really wanted to get a lot of stuff off his chest.

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