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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

OJ Simpson’s Take On Tiger King’s Carole Baskin Is Pure Irony

Some opinions shouldn't be shared.

If you’ve watched Netflix’s Tiger King, then you almost certainly have an opinion on whether or not Carole Baskin was involved in the disappearance of her husband, Jack ‘Don’ Lewis. The thing about opinions though is that not all of them should be expressed. Case in point: OJ Simpson just straight up coming out and accusing Tiger King’s Carole Baskin of getting away with murder by feeding her husband to a tiger.

And if you haven’t watched it, catch up with the GOAT Team…

If you’re thinking “hold on a second, where have I heard the name OJ Simpson before? The answer is that he was the American footballer who was tried and ultimately acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman. He’s the one with the wild car chase, and the book called “If I Did It” about how he would have committed the murder if he did it.

That car chase

It was the case that made Robert Kardashian a name, and is frequently counted as one of the biggest moments of the 1990s.

Despite being acquitted, to this day a lot of people make the assumption that he got away with murder.

In short, he’s probably not the best person to be putting his two cents in while the world discusses another potential murder case.

In a video posted to Twitter after he got back from a game of golf, OJ made his feelings very clear.

“There’s not a shred of doubt in my mind that that lady’s husband is tiger sashimi right now. I’m just saying.”

“This show is crazy, but it’s so crazy, you kinda keep watching.”

I mean OJ Simpson isn’t wrong here, Tiger King is nuts. The cold case into the disappearance of Don Lewis is being reopened because of just how nuts it is, but I still wouldn’t be throwing that out there if I were OJ Simpson.

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