It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Millie Bobby Brown Spent Her 16th Birthday Calling Out Creeps

"The last few years haven't been easy, I'll admit that."

Millie Bobby Brown has had a childhood that I certainly can’t imagine. She’s been bullied, sexualised, and criticised for almost everything she’s done, while my teenage self wouldn’t have coped with being told that her budget dye job looked bad (which it absolutely did). Millie has gone through fame gracefully though, and today she’s addressed all the crap people have said about her.

It’s Millie’s 16th birthday today, and she’s posted on Insta to mark the occasion. Putting together a video that opens with some of the many (many) headlines that have been written about her over the years, she’s written about what life has been like for her.

“The last few years haven’t been easy, I’ll admit that. There are moments I get frustrated from the inaccuracy, inappropriate comments, sexualization, and unnecessary insults that ultimately have resulted in pain and insecurity for me. But not ever will I be defeated.”

There’s absolutely no denying what she’s saying either. Headlines like ‘Stranger Things’ Star Leaves Twitter After Cyberbullying, and Millie Bobby Brown Criticized For Adult Style, and When Did Millie Bobby Brown Go Through The Change? (Menopause) flash across the screen. These things were said about a teenager for God’s sake. She couldn’t even speak at the UN without being harassed. 

She also touches on how to move forward.

“I feel like change needs to happen for not only this generation but the next. Our world needs kindness and support in order for us children to grow and succeed.”

For more amazing kids, listen to the GOAT Team chat about this three year old who sang a dinosaur song and broke all our hearts…

So happy birthday to Millie Bobby Brown, you’re a hell of a lot better adjusted than I was when I was 16. Here’s to a year of people realising that they don’t have to hate on you for no reason, and that sexualising a teenager is creepy as hell. I can only hope.

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