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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Jessica Simpson Is Owed A Massive Apology For The Body-Shaming Crap She Copped

Those internet trolls can get in the bin.

From dealing with addiction, abuse and toxic relationships, Jessica Simpson has had to endure a lot over the course of her highly-publicised life. Of all the highs and lows, it seems like the thing that really got to her was the body shaming she endured back in 2009.

Jessica Simpson has had to deal with a lot and the GOAT team dives deep into all of it on It’s Been A Big Day For… below:

For those who need a refresher on what went down in 2009, Jessica Simpson was performing in Texas and decided to wear a pair of high-waisted blue jeans, which looked great on her. However, the media and the internet didn’t react too well to her outfit and proceeded to unload an unwarranted torrent of body shaming upon her.

Speaking to Today about that incident, which she also devoted an entire chapter to in her memoir, Jessica says the body shaming comments and captions about the photos of her in those jeans “went worldwide [and] broke [her] heart.”

“Well, not the picture necessarily, but the caption. Like, all the captions. It went viral. I was so confused.”

Not only did Jessica end up withdrawing from the public eye for months after the incident, she says her first reaction to the ridiculous body shaming uproar was to feel “embarrassed” for her then-boyfriend, Tony Romo.

Speaking to Glamour, the body shaming incident was traumatising to Jessica because she had felt good that day and the reactions all but ruined her passion for performing:

I felt good up there, I felt confident, and then it ruined the stage for me, and the stage was my home. It broke my home. I’d already had broken moments within a home where I had to walk out of a marriage, but my stage has been like my home since I was, like, a child. That’s where I could be honestly alone with myself.”

Happily for Jessica, it sounds like she’s doing a lot better and feels good about herself, saying that she’s “so happy that times are changing now and more women are accepted for who they are.”

And with that, it’s about time all those body shaming trolls gave Jessica Simpson the massive apology she deserves. No one deserves that sort of treatment and it’s an absolute travesty she had to endure such abuse over something completely ridiculous.

Hats off to Jessica Simpson for coming out of it all a stronger person. To all those unrepentant trolls, you can get in the bin.

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