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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Carole Baskin Gave Rolf Harris Some Love In Yet Another Cameo Prank

Not-so-cool cats and kittens.

Ever wanted a shoutout from your favourite B or C-list celeb? Cameo provides the goods. But it can also be used to fool said celebs into making some pretty cringe-worthy videos. Case in point: Carole Baskin giving disgraced Australian entertainer and convicted sex offender Rolf Harris a lovely message. Hear all the details below:

“Surely I couldn’t get another American celebrity to shoutout Australia’s most notorious sexual predator,” Australian comedian Tom Armstrong said in a TikTok video. “Bonus points if they mention the UK’s most notorious sexual predator.”

Following Armstrong’s intro was – yep, you guessed it – a Cameo video from Tiger King star Carole Baskin who says, “Hey all you cool cats and kittens, it’s Carole Baskin at Big Cat Rescue. Hi, Rolf Harris. All your kids wanted to get together and tell you, you have really touched them and that they love all that you have done for them.”

“I hear that there’s a lot of great stories about you and your best friend Jimmy Saville, can’t wait to hear those,” she adds. “Happy birthday, Rolf.”

Excuse me while I go and cringe violently in the corner. 

Quite clearly, Baskin has no idea who Rolf Harris or Jimmy Saville is and was simply fooled into giving both sex offenders such a friendly shoutout. Hear all about Carole Baskin and Tiger King below:

Speaking to The Mirror, Baskin said, “Of course, I have never heard of Rolf Harris, and would not have done the Cameo had I known.”

“The signature line in my email reads, ‘I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt and I think that tells you all you need to know about the kind of people who abuse me in their efforts to make others hate me.”

It’s not the first time Armstrong has achieved the ultimate stitch up via Cameo. Earlier this month, Armstrong convinced actress Beverly Mitchell, who played Lucy Camden on the mid ’00s family drama series 7th Heaven to give Australian serial killer Ivan Milat a shoutout on the app.

“Hey Ivan, not many people pick up hitchhikers anymore but you really helped out the backpacker gang,” Mitchell began. “And you belong in 7th Heaven.” 

“Thank you,” she continued. “We need more people in the world like you. So, Ivan Milat – I hope I said it right – sending you lots of love and thank you again for being such a big fan, and for being awesome, and being you.”

We’ll say it once, and we’ll say it again – to all the celebrities on Cameo, always Google the name before you record the shoutout.

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