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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

A Dive Into The Wild Theories About Celebrities' Past Lives

Accuracy is not guaranteed.

The world of psychics and mind readers and all that jazz is super popular for a reason. It’s human nature to want to know the answers to questions that don’t seem to have an answer, why else would people spend so long trying to solve cold cases from their couches? Psychics take that to a whole new level, and can give you information about what’s happening in the future, and what happened before we were ever born. Guessing at past lives can be fun, but these celebrity ones seem… well, not at all accurate is what they seem.

Scarlett Johansson

‘Drunk on opinions’ is not a phrase I would have ever thought I’d write, but this particular psychic has decided that that’s what Scarlett Johansson is. 

Bradley Walsh

English comedian Bradley Walsh has an eye condition that causes inflamed eyelids. It’s not fun, but also not the worst thing in the world. The wort thing in the world is that he apparently got it as a kid in the 1600s watching his mum be burned as a witch.

Cameron Diaz

The Black Death killed about 50 million people in Europe, so I guess statistically there’s a good chance that a person’s past life self died of it. And it was definitely spread by rats by the way, or at least the fleas on them.

The Kardashians

Not just one person here, but the whole family apparently. This actually brings me some comfort to be honest, cause if I have to spend eternity reincarnating with someone, I’m glad it’s my family.

Alec Baldwin

I need to know what President they think he was, because that feels like a pretty important thing to leave out of a political celebrity past lives prediction.

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