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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Robert De Niro Proves He Truly DGAF, Drops Multiple F-Bombs On Live TV

De Niro continues his campaign against Trump.

At the ripe age of 76, and with an acting career spanning over 50 years, it appears that Robert De Niro has officially reached a point in his life where he truly DGAF.

Don’t mess with De Niro. Credit: Giphy

Case in point: his recent interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter.

Speaking about Donald Trump, De Niro said, “this guy should not be President. Period.” When Stelter hit back and told De Niro the “folks at Fox” come after him for those kinds of comments, he wasn’t shy in his response.

“F*ck em,” he said. “F*ck em.”

De Niro apologises for swearing, and Stelter reminds the actor that “this is cable, so it’s not an FCC violation, but it is still a Sunday morning.”

When Stelter asks De Niro why he chooses to use such profane language, he responds, “We are in a moment in our lives in this country where this guy is like a gangster. He’s come a long, he’s said things, done things.”

“We say over and over again, ‘This is terrible, we’re in a terrible situation, we’re in a terrible situation.’ And this guy keeps going on and on without being stopped.”

It’s not the first time De Niro has made his thoughts about Trump known. In 2016, the actor released a video during the President’s election campaign calling him “an idiot, a national disaster, an embarrassment to this country…this fool, this bozo.”

Tell us how you really feel, Rob. Credit: Giphy

The actor received a standing ovation at the 2018 Tony Awards when he said “I’m gonna say on thing. F*ck Trump.” This eventually caught the attention of Trump, who tweeted, “Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies.”

“I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk,’” he added. Later, he simply tweeted, “Wake Up Punchy!” 

Credit: Twitter

Yikes. It sounds like these two won’t be catching up for cookies and milk any time soon.