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A Political Staffer Used His Boss' Twitter Account To Resign And It's Pure Fire

If you are going to quit your job, might as well hold your boss' Twitter account hostage first.

Let me throw this scenario at you: you’re working for a deadbeat boss who is nothing but awful to everyone and you’d like nothing more than to quit spectacularly by either chewing out said boss, taking hostage of the work Twitter or something along those lines.

It’s nothing more than a whimsical fantasy, which is why it’s all the more satisfying to see that exact aforementioned scenario play out in spectacular fashion.

Independent British MP Jared O’Mara had his Twitter account taken hostage by a disgruntled comms person on his staff, who proceeded to tweet out a scathing resignation letter that rips into their boss as a *ahem* “morally bankrupt” and a “selfish, degenerate prick.”

Seriously, the whole thing is pure fire and needs a hazard warning before anyone reads it.

Firstly, props to Gareth because he signing off with his own name is an epic power move.

And secondly, Gareth is not unjustified in roasting his now-former boss because O’Mara has allegedly done some pretty sketchy stuff in the past that one would expect from a, well, “degenerative prick.”

He reportedly made a series of homophobic, xenophobic and misogynistic comments prior to becoming an MP, which resulted in him quitting the UK Labour Party. Throw in reports of the guy not doing his job and having all his old staff bail because he’s a bit of a twat, it’s pretty understandable why Gareth wouldn’t want to work for O’Mara any longer.

Gareth basically lived out all our epic quitting fantasies right here and it’s even better than it initially seemed because O’Mara had no clue what was happening.

On Gareth’s own Twitter, he revealed that O’Mara didn’t see all the commotion for at least a few hours before realising that his former boss couldn’t access the Twitter profile without Gareth’s phone.

The whole saga eventually ended when Gareth was belatedly booted from O’Mara’s Twitter account but not before we all got a hilarious mental image of O’Mara frantically trying to figure out his passwords and failing miserably.

So maybe the moral of this story is to not be a prick when you’re an MP because not only will all your staff hang you out to dry, they also have access to all your social media passwords and have no hesitation in salting the earth before they leave.