Category: Periods

The Genius Who Made Female Staff Wear 'Period Badges' Has Been Roasted

As if we don't have enough to be mad about.

Menstruation Is Not A Dirty Word, But It’s Still Holding Women Back

It's time to do away with the shame.

Now You Can Prevent Period Leaks And Save The Planet At The Same Time

Gimme that good karma.

Workplaces Would Look Very Different If We Were Actually Honest About Our Periods

Get bloody real.

The Oscars Just Gave A Shout Out To Menstruation, And It Doesn't End There

Here's how you can help ensure a period doesn't end a girl's education.

The Tampon Tax Has Been Axed, So Enjoy All That Luxurious Not-Bleeding-Everywhere, Period-Havers!

You could save as much as $10 a year!

Women Are Taking Pain Medication Incorrectly During Their Periods, Because Apparently We Don't Even Take Our Own Pain Seriously Enough

Almost 75% of women surveyed believed that pain during their periods was normal.

The Femtech Sector Might Be Making Money Hand Over Fist But What Really Matters Is That We’re Finally In A Golden Age Of Menstrual Education

Gone are the days of waiting an entire month for Dolly Doctor to answer your questions.

New Zealand University Staff Sneakily Seized And Destroyed The Student Magazine’s Special 'Menstruation Issue'

The issue which intended to address the stigmatisation of menstruation was raided because the cover showed an illustration of someone menstruating.