It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Please Enjoy The One Nation Farce Remade As A James Bond Parody

The name's Ashby. James Bon- uh, Ashby.

The One Nation NRA sting scandal is all much more comedy than thriller – or put another way, more Moonraker than Casino Royale.

So it’s perfectly apt for Huw Parkinson, ABC TV’s video mashup genius, to have turned his iconic digital head replacement skills to a retelling of the week’s wildest yarn that’s as much Austin Powers as it is, uh, the bit in a John Le Carré adaptation where Colin Firth giggles uncontrollably in a meeting.

Yes, there’s an extended joke about sauce. 

And of course, there’s a goopy, googy shout out to Eggboy in the intro where Parkinson nods to the extremely slick, professional operation of One Nation before this unfortunate incident.

“I mean, this is the kind of stuff you see in James Bond magazines,” says Dickson.

(James Bond, famously, could not hold his booze at all.)

With reality like that, even the best in the satire biz have to up their game.