Category: Nuclear War

Netflix Might Be Forced To Roll Out Emergency Alerts, Just In Case Nuclear War Starts While You're Streaming Queer Eye

But really, is the imminent danger of a war worth pausing Netflix? Probs not, tbh.

The Trump/Kim Jong-Un Summit Looks Doubtful, So You Should Still Dig That Nuclear Bunker

The high-stakes meeting between two volatile men with a history of failed diplomacy looks like falling over. Who'd have thunk it?

Your Cheat Sheet For The Imminent Third World War

As Trump’s threats get more direct, it’s never been more important or less reassuring to know who are the enemies, who are the allies, and whether that makes any difference (spoiler: not necessarily!).

An Online Simulator Shows What Would Happen If A Nuclear Bomb Landed On Your House And It’s Absolutely Terrifying

Every wanted to nuke your enemies? Well now you can.