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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Bob The Builder Got A Glow Up And I Resent It

Welcome to 2019, Bob.

Bob The Builder was a great show. Was it a little bit unrealistic? Sure. Talking construction machines an alive scarecrows are hard to find. But it was valuable – Bob and his trusty talking friends and toolkit taught little me a lot of valuable lessons. 

Like, to always be positive about problems that arise and how to use a spanner. 

But for all the problems Bob fixed, the one thing I never counted on was Bob fixing himself. 

But he’s gone and done a full millennial on me – he’s lost some weight, invested some time and money in some self grooming, upgraded his wardrobe and, by the looks of things, got some cosmetic surgery done too. 

Yep, Bob’s had a serious glow up – he’s gone from a stop motion half balding middle age man with a pumpkin face to a digitally animated cute tradie with eyebrows and a proper jawline. 

I feel confused and a little bit betrayed and definitely resent Bob’s new look. 

Where is the lie? Source:

It’s like finding out the ex you dumped because they just weren’t up to your standards finally got their crap together. But you can’t have them anymore because you’ve had your time. 

It’s the very definition of unfair (I’m also sure it makes me petty and slightly mentally unstable but let’s not talk about that). 

Not only does Bob – who is a cartoon – now (somehow) better looking than me (rude of him), but Bob’s glow up completely undermines my childhood memories

The way I remember Bob is no longer relevant. If I was to show a kid a picture of OG Bob the builder they probably wouldn’t even recognise him. Heck, I didn’t even recognise the new show when it was on TV recently – it wasn’t until it rolled to commercial that I realised what I was looking at. 

Is this a sign that I’m officially getting old? Is this a sign that the world is moving on without me? Am I having an existential crisis? 

-gif- yes yes i am (sponspored by Bob The Builder) 

Sponsored by Bob The Builder. Source: Giphy

I guess that leaves me with one question: 

Bob, can you fix me