It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

An Ode To All Of Our Old Hilarious Email Addresses

Ahh, the simpler times: when your only source of anxiety was who to put in your MySpace Top 8, what polyphonic ringtone you should buy, and what kind of ~quirky~ email address you should go for. 

A noughties tech mood. Credit: Giphy

Now we’re all grown up and our email addresses have to be, well, adult and safe for workplaces, it’s made me look back and reminisce about all the weird and wonderful phrases and word combinations we’d use for one of our primary sources of contact. 

Settling on a 2004 email address. Credit: Giphy

In every group of friends, and at every school, there was one or two kids who loved the fact they knew what ‘69’ meant and aimed to incorporate it into every aspect of their identity e.g. or

WHOA, 69. Credit: Giphy

Then there was that weird phase we all went through when shortening words and changing letters was all that mattered. ‘Is’ became ‘iz,’ ‘sexy’ was ‘sxc’ and ‘done’ was altered to ‘dun.’ It was as if we just discovered Internet language and we couldn’t get enough of it. Case in point: or

InTeRnEt. Credit: Giphy

That’s not to say there isn’t a place in our memories for the very serious and literal email addresses that involved pets or family members. For example,, or 

Me, checking no one took
Credit: Giphy

These weren’t the only addresses that gave people a snapshot into one’s personality, or frame of mind. There were also the email addresses that identified key interests and hobbies – for instance, the simple yet elegant or my old email address The ironic thing about that one is, I’ve never been a huge fan of the beach. 

Britney knew what was up. Credit: Giphy

It’s a crying shame we don’t express ourselves the way we once did with our pre-pubescent email addresses. It’s nice to look back and remember how young, wild and free we once were, however I am secretly quite glad we all reached an age where we decided to change over to our actual names. Somehow I don’t think would get you a job at one of the Big Four anytime soon – but dare to dream I say!