It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Noise Complaint Ends Wholesomely With Police Joining In, Entire Internet Rejoices

To be fair, Super Smash Bros. can get pretty intense.

Ever since Nintendo’s brilliant Super Smash Bros. Ultimate came out last week, I’ve spent every spare minute playing the game to the detriment of my roommates due to the adrenaline-filled noise I make whenever I win or lose.

Blame it on Pikachu’s smug look whenever I get booted off the stage.

Wait until I wipe that smile off your face next round…

In fact, I’m lucky I don’t get noise complaints called on me. For fellow Super Smash Bros. fan Jovante M. Williams though, he wasn’t quite so lucky.

According to Yahoo, he and his buddies were recently getting stuck into the game when things started to get a little too loud and the cops got involved after their neighbours called in a noise complaint.

Now this story has all the signs of a bad ending, but I’m happy to report that it ends in the most wholesome way possible.

After the cops determined that Jovante and his mates weren’t loud at all, one curious officer asked the group what they were playing.

Next thing you know, the cops were having a game of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with the supposed noise complaint offenders.

As a final twist, it turns out that the cops were sandbagging as Jovante says they were surprisingly good at the game and one of them showed some chops playing as Pikachu.

Ugh, Pikachu.

Anyway, this whole interaction was so wholesome and lovely that the internet immediately fell in love and showered Jovante with thousands of likes, shares, and comments on social media.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – bringing people together one noisy battle at a time.