It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

You Don't Need A Visa To Move To New Zealand Permanently, Just So You Know

Because clearly a lot of you are considering a post-election change.

You know how left-leaning people were taking to the socials on Saturday night about how they were leaving this right-wing rats nest and moving to the glorious paradise that is Jacindaland, aka New Zealand?

Well, they weren’t joking.

According to the NZ’s immigration website there was a ten-times normal surge of traffic on Sunday and a 25-time increase in “expressions of interest” compared with the previous week.

Well, it’s a groovy place.

And those people would have discovered to their delight that leaving Australia for pastures new is a complicated and expensive process with just about every country, it’s super easy with New Zealand. You don’t even need a visa!

Of course, it’s worth pointing out a few things about our handsome cousin to the east: their minimum wage is lower than ours, they also have a housing crisis in the bits of the country that have the most work, and they’re not even researching dragons, despite bribe attempts to the contrary.

And we know they have them there too.

But anyway, good for you, Australian lefties. You’re putting those whiny “that’s it, I’m moving to Canada!” Americans to shame.