It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

John Legend Sounds Really Conflicted Over Whether He's Pals With Kanye West Or Not

To be fair, Kanye has that effect on a lot of people.

It’s no surprise that Kanye West is a bit of a… polarising figure shall we say these days and his weird behaviour seems to have done a number on his relationships, particularly with John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

Speaking to Vanity Fair, John was surprisingly forthcoming about his relationship with Kanye. While the pair have known each other for yonks and have (literally) made beautiful music together, John admits that the rapper is “a very ardent marketer and cheerleader” when “he’s for you.”

But that’s just the appetiser to the follow up sledgehammer blow where he admits he and Kanye were never actually that close:

“I’m not trying to disown Kanye because I still love him and love everything we’ve done together creatively, but we were never the closest of friends.”

Yikes indeed.

It sucks to admit that about someone you’ve known for ages but this “we’re not really pals” admission seemingly also stems from concern over Kanye rubbing shoulders with Donald Trump, someone who John and Chrissy hate in no uncertain terms and have gotten into Twitter feuds with.

“I think what was always challenging about it was Kanye has never been political. I don’t think he knows one way or another what policies of Trump’s he likes. He just kind of embraced Trump’s blow-it-all-up spirit and the energy of himself being countercultural in supporting him.”

It honestly sounds like John is properly conflicted over how he feels about Kanye at the moment and it’s hard to blame him since the rapper kind of has that effect on everyone.

It’s not just Kanye West whom John Legend and Chrissy Teigen aren’t 100 percent sure about as they also have their concerns over Kim Kardashian and her own weird relationship with Trump, which included several visits to the White House to discuss inmates deserving clemency.

In the words of Chrissy herself:

“To be able to go in there and put whatever you hate about him aside to do this greater good for this person? I don’t know if I could physically muster that smile and handshake.”

The whole Vanity Fair article is a hoot but this John Legend/Chrissy Teigen/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian part of it is the tea we want.

To be honest, it’s all just a celebrity version of something we’ve all been through: Long-time friends gets close to someone problematic and refuses to see the light, and you’re struggling with whether to still be friends with them because of your shared history or to just cut them off because they’re a lost cause.