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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Matthew McConaughey Becoming A RL Uni Professor Is The Ultimate Giveback

Alright, alright, alright students.

From being a romcom leading man to a critically acclaimed dramatic actor who has won an Oscar, Matthew McConaughey has had quite the movie career and can afford to take it easy for the foreseeable future.

But rather than sit back and ride on the coattails of his Hollywood success, McConaughey’s decided to give back to the industry that’s given him so much by becoming a legit professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

According to a press release from the uni, he’ll be a professor of practice at the Moody College of Communication where he’ll teach the “Script to Screen” film production class.

While going from Oscar winner to uni professor is a bit of a wild flex, it actually isn’t that ridiculous of a leap. McConaughey earned a film degree at the Uni of Texas in 1993 and has been serving as a visiting instructor at the Uni of Texas since 2015. He even helped develop the curriculum for the “Script to Screen” class, which explains the abundance of movies from his filmography.

Speaking about his appointment to the uni, McConaughey says:

“It’s the class I wish I would have had when I was in film school. Working in the classroom with these students gives me a chance to prepare them.

“Making movies, turning words on paper into film, is both a science and art – no matter the time or generation. The elements of truth and genuine joy for the process are timeless. That will always be our classroom focus.”

That doesn’t sound like a man going through a mid-life crisis. If anything, it’s more indicative of what a top bloke he is because he certainly won’t be getting paid a Hollywood level wage for doing this.

Hey, if you’ve done so many great films then why the hell not show them off to students?

It’s actually pretty great to see someone as famous as McConaughey not only remembering his roots but also giving back to his home community. Whereas many stars bail on their hometown when they hit it big, McConaughey still lives in Austin and is a big presence in its social scene.

So if you needed an excuse or reason to transfer to a uni abroad, he’s just given you a big one. At the very least you’ll have a field day dropping Matthew McConaughey quotes in each class.
