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Fans Want Shaggy And Scooby Doo To Shut TF Up In New 'Scoob!' Trailer

Yeah, maybe don't do that anymore.

Reboot-itis has been plaguing Hollywood for a while now and the latest to get caught up in the epidemic is none other than Scooby Doo and Shaggy, both of whom will be starring alongside the rest of the gang in a new animated film titled Scoob!

There’s always a worry whenever a beloved classic TV show is rebooted and judging by the new trailer, Scoob! looks to be… okay?

Alright, the film looks pretty good but fans on Reddit have two big bones to pick with this new take: Scooby Doo being a chatterbox and Shaggy’s voice.

The version of Scooby in Scoob! is having full-length conversations with all his human pals, which is a bit of a contrast to the Scooby that uses pantomimes and broken words to communication that most fans are used to.

While there have been versions of Scooby having full convos in the past, this take is perhaps a bit too jarring for some fans:

Too much talking for me.”

‘Yeah, maybe don’t do that anymore.’
“Right back at you Scoob.”

“If I want a chatty dog, I’ll go watch something with Goofy in it.”


The second thing that’s throwing fans off is adult Shaggy’s voice, which is provided by Will Forte this time around rather than long-time Shaggy actor, Matthew Lillard, who was given the boot in a pretty unceremonious fashion.

No shade to Will Forte, who is hilarious, but his version of adult Shaggy is slightly off and fans can’t help but notice.

“Adult Shaggy’s voice sounds weird
Like at times it sounds like the original Shaggy and at times it doesn’t
As an OG Scooby Doo fan this may stress me out while watching the movie

“It sounds like a bad impression of Shaggy’s voice. Maybe I’m so used to Matt Lillard’s voice but it just sounds so off.”

“People above commenting on Scooby’s voice, but I think it’s fine. It’s Shaggy’s that doesn’t seem quite right. Can’t put my finger on it. Maybe not enough of that voice crack and intonation that Shaggy is known for.”

But let’s give Scoob! the benefit of the doubt for now. After all, this is a reboot and different takes on beloved characters are to be expected.

We’ll just have to see how it all pans out and whether fans can get used to Scooby Doo doing his best Goofy impression on May 15, 2020.