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Bella Thorne Directing An Adult Film Is The Ultimate Power Move

What a flex from Bella Thorne.

Bella Thorne has come a long way since her early Disney days, hasn’t she?

Back then she was doing sugary Shake It Up sort of stuff. Now she’s posting nudes, writing personal poems about her struggles, and *checks notes* directing porn because why the hell not.

Partnering up with Pornhub, Bella will make her directorial debut with Her & Him, a “beautiful” and “ethereal” film that examines the relationship between a man and a woman – complete with a bunch of “real life f**king” – and their fight over dominance.

Whereas Bella paints Her & Him as an artsy adult flick, Pornhub VP Corey Price bluntly describes it more as a “modernistic, sexually explicit Romeo and Juliet-like depiction of two star-crossed lovers who have unbridled sexual longing for each other.”

Sooo, it’s just Romeo and Juliet then but featuring adults and not underage kids? Cool, gotcha. Wait, what about the tragic ending where they die – you know what, I’m overthinking this.

This foray into directing porn is a new one for Bella and it’s quite an impressive, if surprising, flex. But after being subjected to so much scrutiny about nearly every aspect of her personal and professional life, seeing her take back control of the narrative on her own terms is a power move and a half.

There’s still a stigma when it comes to porn (sadly) but Bella views it as nothing more than another storytelling medium, saying “If you think that porn is uncomfortable, I’m sorry that you are uncomfortable. But don’t make other people feel uncomfortable for being okay with it.”

Perfectly said right there.

As for when you can see Bella Thorne’s first directorial effort, Her & Him will debut at Germany’s Oldenburg Film Festival before becoming available to Pornhub Premium subscribers.

But regardless of how the film turns out, let’s just give props to Bella for doing whatever she wants on her own terms and not giving a crap about what critics think.