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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Andy Serkis' Greatest Role Isn't Gollum On Lord Of The Rings, It's This Talking Anus

Thanks for that, Gollum.

Look, it’s all there in the headline. Andy Serkis, the man and voice behind Gollum in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy and basically every Hollywood movie with a CGI character in it, has hit a new peak in his glistening career with the greatest role he’ll likely ever play: a talking anus.


TMI there, Andy.

Now Serkis isn’t squeezing into a motion-capture suit (again) to play a literal arsehole that can speak for a some big-budget Hollywood movie about… whatever has a talking butthole in it.

He’s in fact voicing an animated talking anus for a campaign about fatbergs. Now I’m sure you’re wondering “what in the name of all things holy is a fatberg” and “what on earth does that have to do with a talking butthole?”

Well a fatberg is a congealed mass formed by non-biodegradable waste (such as wet wipes) that’s flushed down the toilet and are subsequently bound together by grease or fat, causing big clogging problems in sewer systems around the world.

To raise awareness about this issue, Andy has decided to, ahem, voice a talking anus for a PSA video for non-profit group City to Sea highlighting the negative impact our addiction to wet wipes are and to call on everyone to “be a good arsehole” by disposing of them properly rather than flushing them down the toilet.

Once again this bears repeating because it’ll never cease to be amusing: Andy. Serkis. Is. A. Talking. Arsehole.

I don’t know Andy personally but I have a feeling he’ll be pretty proud of the fact that his CV will now forever read, “Andy Serkis, the man behind Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, was once the voice of a talking anus.”

In a kind of dark, nightmare fuel kind of way, it’s almost disappointing he didn’t go full motion-capture method for this role like he usually does, but maybe this is one time where method acting probably isn’t the best idea.