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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Nokia Are Re-Releasing The 8110 So That You Can Live Out Your 12-Year-Old Fantasies Of Being Neo From The Matrix

The phone is set to hit Australian stores on September 20.

For anyone who grew up in the late 90’s, there was nobody cooler than Keanu Reeves in The Matrix. The sunglasses! The Big leather trenchcoat! The way Hugo Weaving’s Agent Smith would specifically call him “MISTER ANDERRRSONNNN” whenever they faced off!

Neo was the definition of cool, and we all wanted to be him.

If you didn’t try to imitate bullet time in the playground, you’re a liar.

Now, some 19 years later, Nokia is giving us that opportunity to live out our childhood dreams, at least partially. They are re-releasing the 8110 “banana phone” that Neo used in the movie in an all-new 4G version.

There are some notable differences,  mostly thanks to technological advancements. The screen is bigger and full-colour now, and there’s no longer a need for an external antenna. But the best parts of the phone are still there. Specifically, the tactile buttons and the snap-lock cover that answers and ends calls for you.

Yes, you can once again hang up on people with a sense of anger and vigour that touchscreens just can’t give you.

Gotta say, I’ve missed hanging up phones like this.

The phone launches nationally on September 20th, for an easy $129. Seriously, even if you’re not a big Matrix fan, this would probably make a great back-up phone to take to music festivals.

Just note that if you see someone in line to get one wearing a cheap, long, leather jacket and with gelled-back hair, that’s probably just me in cosplay. I’m sorry in advance.