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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Miley, The Future Is Going To Need Your Climate-Aware Kids To Come In Like A Wrecking Ball And Fix Things

If this generation can't effect change, we need to breed one that can.

Miley Cyrus has announced that she won’t be making little Mylings any time soon, at least not with the planet the way it currently stands.

“We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women,” she told Elle. “We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce. We’re getting handed a piece-of-s**t planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.”

And on the one hand… look, she’s not wrong.

Kids born today are in for a climate roller coaster which is unlikely to be nearly as fun as roller coasters have typically been. Unless new roller coasters have ancient viruses emerging from permafrost and unpredictable bursts of extreme weather. To be honest, it’s been a while since I’ve ridden one.

Yeah, that seems about right.

But on the other hand, if there’s going to be a future for humanity it’s going to need smart, well-educated people that can take a clear-eyed look at the situation and work towards solutions.

Especially – let’s be honest – influential kids of celebrities who people inexplicably take more seriously than, say, scientists.

Yeah, we’re not thrilled about that either.

And the very people that are currently swearing off having kids are the exact sorts of people that should be training up a new generation.

Then again, most kids rebel against their parents so maybe we should let people that accept science opt out and hope like hell that Resources Minister Matt Canavan’s kids invent a way to decarbonise the oceans just to piss their dad off.

I mean, it’s as good an option as we’re likely to get, right?