It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The 80s And 90s Were A Golden Age For Women-Led Action Movies, And We're About To Have Another One

Not only are golden-age queens like Jamie-Lee Curtis and Linda Hamilton back on our screens soon, a new generation is carrying on the legacy of ass-kicking action women who weren't there for the male gaze.

The recent shot of an all lady lineup for the latest Terminator and a grey-haired, knife-toting Jamie-Lee Curtis in the new Halloween sequel may have you thinking we’re at a turning point for women heroes. Finally, we’re getting the gritty, deadly, no-looking-back-at-explosions, strong leading ladies we deserve.

But the truth is, we’ve had them all along.

From Pam Grier’s Foxy Brown in the 70s to Bae Doona’s Sun Bak in Sens8, they’ve been here (even before the 70s but I just really wanted to mention Pam Grier).

So, to celebrate the return of Sarah Connor (and a new generation discovering Linda Hamilton’s arm muscles), here’s a list of women who were sweaty, blood-soaked and not here to be leered at in the 80s and 90s.

1. Milla Jovovich in pretty much everything.

OK, does she start all of her movies pretty much naked? Yes. Does she then go on to be the most insanely overpowered character in the movie, slicing and dicing zombies or ancient space evils? Also yes (except in Kuffs – she just dances and is cute in that one).

Not to be f**ked with.

There’s not one way to be an action hero and Milla Jovovich proves that the amount of clothes you’re wearing is not directly proportionate to how much butt you kick. Which I find impressive because I wear clothes 98% of the time and still would be 0% useful if there was a zombie outbreak.

2. Queen Latifah as Cleo in Set It Off

Cleo is more of an anti-hero, as part of a group of women who turn to robbing banks when the system fails them.

Wait, I had something for this… Machine Latifah!

She’s not afraid of getting her hands dirty, nor is she here for any male gaze. In fact, she’s not here for male anything (she’s an openly gay character, which was a big deal to see in the 90s).

While there could be the argument she’s not “really” an action hero, that’s one of the reasons she’s on this list. Cleo was a character who had no f**ks to give about what you think a lady action hero should be like.

3. Dina Meyer as Dizzy in Starship Troopers

She was the team quarterback, she joined mobile infantry, she was not afraid to make the first move. Or actually any of the moves. She was rough, tough and ready to go.

Before swooning over Johnny Rico (and killing bugs), Dina Meyer also played an assassin in the Johnny Mnemonic film with Keanu Reeves.

4. Michelle Yeoh, in general and her movie characters specifically

You might have rediscovered her as the Captain of the Discovery in the latest Star Trek series. Or perhaps as the mum in Crazy Rich Asians. But it needs to be noted that Michelle Yeoh has ALWAYS been a powerhouse when it comes to fight scenes.

Constance Wu is right to be scared of her.

In the 80’s there was the film Yes Madam (also released as Police Assassins) where she not only deals a serious amount of damage to bad guys, she makes 80s fashion look really, really good.

She was also part of inspiring a wave of lady fighting films. Then in the 90s she starred alongside Pierce Brosnan’s James Bond in Tomorrow Never Dies. She did all the thing Bond could, but in heels.

5. The Major in Ghost In The Shell

No, not you ScarJo.

Look, if you do find this sexy, you do you.

I’m talking about animated badass Major Motoko Kusanagi, who in between contemplating the very nature of her sentience and its impact on a society clinging to its definitions of humanity, absolutely goes to town on bad guys and the idea that lady action heroes aren’t allowed to be completely jacked. The Major once tried to take a tank apart with her bare hands.

6. Sigourney Weaver as Ripley in Alien(s)


Some would say she’s the mother of all lady action heroes (ha ha, get it? Because Aliens is about how terrifying being a mother is) and Matron Saint of turning leering looks into adoration. Those people are correct.

And you can’t say Ripley without giving special mention to Private First Class Jenette Vasquez (Jeanette Goldstein). Those guns. And no, I’m not talking about the Pulse Rifle.

As time goes on, the list of action heroes that are women is growing.

And yes, I specifically left out your favourite from this list, just so you could talk about them in the comments. So really, the true hero here… is me.