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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Move Over Influencers, Insta Therapists Are Taking The Gram By Storm

Talking about your feelings is cool now.

Guys, real-life therapists are on Instagram.

And not just in a low-key way, either. Instagram accounts run by accredited psychologists are becoming seriously popular. 

71.3K follows? YAS. QUEEN.

And honestly, we can see why. Therapists like Lisa Olivera, Nedra Tawwab and Silvy Khoucasian, not only have eye-catching, aesthetic profiles, they also share legitimate life-advice every day.

Check out this grid from @lisaoliveratherapy

There’s no beating around the bush with these guys – their posts can be confronting. At times the content is so ground-breakingly relatable it will feel as though your life is flashing before your eyes.

These accounts will have you saying “ah yes, this is why I am the way I am” after an initial scroll. I swear on it.

Let us not underestimate what a blessing it is to have these professionals dishing out their services for free. 

In Australia therapy is expensive. The cost of a session usually varies between $60- $150, which can get even more pricey as therapists may charge outside this range.

But you know what totally blows my mind? These online therapists have created a totally new and very accessible form of online therapy.

The most popular Insta therapists often co-host live videos that delve into topics like attachment style, vulnerability and ghosting. They often promote the time of these seminars days in advance. 

What did we do to deserve their service?

These live segments are often flooded with viewers’ questions, you get the impression you’re one of many going “through it”. Honestly, it’s a very comforting experience.

I’m not saying ditch the real-life therapy for online but if you’re struggling with your mental health, grief or a relationship breakdown these accounts are small forms of salvation.