It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

There's A Conspiracy About The Iconic 'Disgustang' Video And We're Gonna Unravel The Shet Out Of It

Unravelling the truth, one shet at a time.

Any meme OG will agree that the pinnacle of internet culture rests solely on the shoulders of two little Scottish girls and their mother in that all-important video about the mystery turd that went viral over five years ago.

In every friend group and every job I have had since the first circulation of this almighty piece of comedic gold, we could go days communicating with only quotes from this video.

For a refresher, or just a good bit of nostalgia, this is the video in question.

The two girls, Kaylee Mckeague, in orange, and her younger sister, Kimberly Mckeague were the centre of a very different video than what they originally intended to film.

Their mother crashes what could’ve been the most fantastic cover of Cher Lloyd and Becky G’s mediocre hit, ‘Oath’ with an accusation that was heard across the globe. “Which one of yas done the shet?”

News broke in early March 2019 that the culprit had finally been caught and the owner of the ‘shet’ had come forward in a tell-all video. Allegedly.


Now, because of my journalistic integrity and lack of trust in people, I needed to do my own digging to find where this video had come from, who uploaded it and what life was like for the family now knowing that the secret was finally out.

Because of my too-much gene, I accidentally got in far too deep.

I first DM’d the girl who was mentioned in all of the articles detailing the reveal of the doer-of-the-shet, @peepabunny, who told me she found the video on YouTube and screen recorded it. (I’m assuming it was in case it was deleted)

Entitled, Webcam video from 14 November 2014 13:10 (PST), this video has only racked up a few thousand views, most in the past few days since publications had started sharing it around.

The name of the channel that the video was uploaded to is Kaylee Mckeague. That is the name of the older girl in the video, i.e. living legend who was wearing that iconic neon orange ‘Ciao!’ tank top.

I had a lead, I was suspicious that this was just far too easy, and I started googling.

Kaylee has two public Facebook accounts, sharing her unique brand of comedy to her 36 friends.

It wasn’t just the videos posted to her page, or statuses that have had me in stitches throughout this research process, but her friends list.

I found her sister, Kimberly Mckeague, he alleged doer-of-the-shit.

Upon further digging – again, in full public view on Facebook – I found her mother, Lizzie Brash, who uses a different name on the platform, who sparked my interest.

Lizzie’s cover photo is a photo of three girls sitting on a bench. Two are recognisable as Kaylee (left) and Kimberly (right) but the third girl was a total mystery to me, until I dived into the comments.

Thank god for Facebook mums and their public bragging, because good old friend of Mama Lizzie comments, revealing the biggest secret than the alleged culprit of the shet.

‘Woah, 3 mini me’s seeing you in triple form missus they’re looking good as their Mum love ya x’, says Sharon.


Further confirmed by an interview with the Scottish Sun.

Like Frankie Jonas, the bonus Jonas, who I still solely blame for the initial break up of the Jonas Brothers, this child that wasn’t included in the superstardom could’ve been the actual doer-of-the-shet and Kimberly took credit for the clout.

There’s no way we can POSSIBLY know that Kimberly actually did the shet when there is a third potential suspect that hasn’t been questioned.

This case has just been blown wide open. The search continues…