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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The New Pokemon Sleep Mobile Game Is A Far Better Meme Than An App

Tune in for the announcement, stay for the jokes.

Brace yourselves as there’s a new Pokemon mobile game coming that you can play in your sleep.

I’m not talking about it being super easy, I mean you literally play it while you’re off in dreamland.

Called Pokemon Sleep, this new mobile game sounds like a glorified sleep tracker as it keeps tabs on your sleeping patterns and then adjusts the gameplay accordingly. Apparently the aim is to make sleeping “fun”, not unlike how Pokemon GO made walking fun (and dangerous). Somehow.

Unsurprisingly, the internet had a field day with this announcement and honestly, Pokemon Sleep is shaping up to be a better meme than an actual game.

Some noted how The Pokemon Company seem to be dipping its toes into self-care/health stuff with GO and Sleep, and have made some great suggestions for future games. Really keen for Pokemon CO2 Emission Cap.

Others (including myself) are already declaring themselves to be masters of the game already based on one simple, yet important criteria: the ability to sleep.

And then there were just a bunch of random gems from some truly creative minds, which makes you marvel in amazement at the internet’s creativity when there’s sufficient motivation.

As for how the game will pull off this “make sleep fun” thing, well, I have no idea as The Pokemon Company are keeping its cards close to its chest. Apparently you will need to use a new device called the “Pokemon Go Plus +” (yes, that is indeed pronounced “plus plus”) which will track your steps when you’re playing Pokemon GO during the day and then track your sleep while “playing” Pokemon Sleep at night.

Look, it makes very little sense on paper but hey, I’m all for a game that requires me to do nothing but sleep. Sleep is scheduled to come out at some point in 2020 so make sure to not sleep too much until then. You’ll want to be nice and tired for when the game arrives.