It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Shed A Solitary Tear For White, The Wedding Magazine That Didn’t Want To Feature Same-Sex Weddings And Is Now Folding

Opponents of same-sex marriage are already claiming that this somehow is a violation of free speech.

It’s been a year since Australia voted Yes on marriage equality, and while the effects of that win on the wider community are being reflected upon of late, spare a thought for the first, and possibly only, “victim” from the No camp: White Magazine.

So sad uwu.

A refresher: A few months ago it was revealed that wedding magazine White was deliberately refusing to feature weddings between same-sex couples. Controversy ensued, including a widespread boycott by advertisers.

Considering that most wedding magazines are arguably 90% adverts for wedding suppliers, the magazine has announced this weekend that it is closing down.

Of course, the usual suspects – Lyle Shelton, Mark Latham, et al. – are deeming this a violation of free speech. Somehow.

Meanwhile, almost everyone else is noting how funny this entire saga is.

As someone who has just come out the other side of the hellhole that is wedding planning barely alive, can I just say that having one less wedding magazine in the world is nothing less than a gift.  Especially if that wedding magazine turned out to be run by people who didn’t like gay couples.

Vale, White magazine. There isn’t a violin in the world small enough to play for you.

Pour one out for White.