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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

On The Anniversary Of The Triumphant Yes Vote, Let's Remember What Our Current Prime Minister Had To Say About Same Sex Marriage

Say, when's that report on Protecting Religious Freedom coming out?

Today is the first anniversary of the result of the Same Sex Marriage Non-Binding Voluntary Postal Survey, the thing misleadingly called a plebiscite which was laid in place by the Abbott government and continued by the Turnbull government as a way of slowing down the passage of marriage equality in Australia.

And it ultimately failed – as you know, Australia overwhelmingly polled yes and then the amendments to the Marriage Act were passed into law on December 8 – but it’s worth remembering a few things about this Coalition triumph – especially if you’re hoping that this now a settled issue.

For example, be aware that the current PM was a vocal opponent of it.

“When the ageing gorilla is confronted with the much more virile, new alpha-male, he shows submissiveness by grooming the alpha-male…”

For example: in 2015 Scott Morrison outlined his issues with same sex marriage – the well-debunked notion that heterosexual marriage is the only way that children can flourish – in a letter to a constituent:

The fundamental reason for my position was well summarised by our former Prime Minister, Hon John Howard AC, who stated when legislating the current definition “marriage, as we understand it in our society, is about children, raising them, providing for the survival of the species, and I think if the same status is given in our society to gay unions as are given to traditional marriage we will weaken that bedrock institution.”

For me this is ultimately about a child’s natural right to a mother and father. I believe that this right should be protected in all Commonwealth laws, especially the Marriage Act. … I do not believe that tested wisdom over centuries has been overwhelmed by more contemporary arguments.

Of course, maybe his attitudes have softened and developed over the years. Heck, back in 2015 Australia sent both 50 Shades of Gray and Pixels to #1 at the box office, clearly we made some mistakes.

Then again, he repeated those arguments during the campaign he was on board the “It’s OK To Say No” train, publishing on Facebook that “For those who share my view [on maintaining the traditional definition of marriage], remember it’s OK to say no. If that is what you believe, then I encourage you to stick to your values and not be intimidated out of your view. It is a private survey, just like your vote, and you can and should say what you truly believe.”

Ooooh! Look at the scary blurry post box!

Also, for all of Morrison’s claims to be sticking to his sincerely held beliefs, he didn’t actually vote against the legislation when it came before the parliament.

No, he scurried out of the chamber so he wouldn’t have to vote on it at all. You know, like a man of principle dealing with a matter he kept insisting was of enormous societal importance.

He was joined in his rapid exodus by fellow cowar… sorry, bunch of very brave men prepared to absolutely stand up for what they purport to believe in, Barnaby Joyce, Tony Abbott, Andrew Hastie, Michael Sukkar, Kevin Andrews, Alex Hawke, George Christensen and Rick Wilson.

His respect for the process laid out by the government of which he was part carried over to the aftermath too.

“I’m happy to respect the decision that the country makes on this,” Morrison told the ABC before the result. “If the plebiscite carries, then the legislation should pass. That’s my view. If the plebiscite does not carry, then I would expect that would be the end of the matter.”

And when he lost, he was all about ending the matter. Sorry, that should read “launching immediately into Protecting Religious Freedoms“.

That’s a term which remains as ill-defined now as it did then – although seemingly it includes the power for children to be removed from classes discussing non-traditional marriage, which was one of his (failed) amendments to the Marriage Act. Settled!

So as your social media memories fill with people celebrating last year’s result, remember that your current PM likely still believes that the 5000+ same sex couples that married in the aftermath of the change are denying children their rights and defying centuries of tested wisdom.

Happy Yesmas!