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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Lindsay Lohan Live Streams Herself Being A Nuisance To Homeless People In A Totally Misguided Attempt To Remain In The Spotlight

There are headlines about her everywhere, so it actually sorta worked.

Oh Lindsay Lohan, what on this green(ish) earth are you doing now?

After getting thrown in the spotlight for various embarrassing and troubling things over the last few years, you’d think that perhaps it’s finally time that the actress has finally gotten over her problems. But alas, it appears that she’s suffered a case of “two steps forward, three steps back”.

In her latest headline-grabbing incident, Lohan decided to go around being a nuisance to a “Syrian refugee family” in a misguided attempt to be a humanitarian, all while live streaming the whole thing on Instagram. It’s all about as bizarre and uncomfortable as it sounds.

It all starts off relatively innocently enough with Lohan offering the family, who are homeless, a hotel room for the night, but things quickly go downhill.

The parents – understandably weirded out by a strange American woman speaking in a hokey Arab accent who randomly approached them – declines Lohan’s offer and start to leave, only for the actress to start following them in a huff while sprouting some terrible stuff about the family participating in child trafficking.

Things all come to a head when Lohan reaches for one of the children, only for the mother to attack her and push her to the ground. It’s all incredibly intense, jarring, and outright crazy. And somewhat sadly, it is also the most convincing dramatic work the actress has done in her entire career.

Look, Lindsay, I imagine it isn’t easy being the butt of all jokes these days considering how you were one of the biggest stars in Hollywood once upon a time, but going around annoying homeless people isn’t exactly the best way to get the spotlight back onto yourself.

Take care of yourself, please, and maybe don’t go around bothering any more refugee families because that’s never going to end well.