It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Feel The Comradery Of Everyone Sharing Their Random Notes App Yarns

Take note.

The Notes App is a weird and wonderful place, as you would know. While it’s most often used by celebrities as a means to offer up their most sincere apology to their fans, it’s known to us commoners for something quite different. 

We spoke about this on today’s episode of It’s Been A Big Day For…

Whether you write in your Notes App when you’re stressed, when you’re angry or when you’re simply feeling chaotic, we write in our Notes App when we’re at our most vulnerable, and that’s fair. The diary walked so that the Notes App could run. 

While the diaries we had when we were younger were considered “safe” for keeping secrets, they weren’t really. You always ran the risk of having your mother, father or sibling storming into your room when you weren’t there and having a bit of a read. That’s why the Notes App is like the 21st-century diary, if you will. It’s kept on you at all times, you more-often-than-not need a password or Face ID to get in and your secrets are hidden in plain sight. How genius is that? 

The Notes App is the closest we will ever get to understanding our own, unfiltered minds. Seriously, if you’ve ever wanted to track your stream of consciousness, just go look at your Notes App. Really. We guarantee you’ll find some pretty incredible stuff. 

On Friday, the Internet took it upon itself to scramble through old Notes App entries and resurface the odd ones. And far out, we are a weird bunch of people. 

There was the person who so proudly wrote: “I twink, therefore I am.” Unsure of where this was going, but hey, we’re on board. 

There was the person who, we have to assume, was practising their comebacks to a high-school bully. Hey, no judgement, we can relate. 

There was the person who, of course, detailed their grocery list. But, what a mighty-fine list it seems to be!

And finally, there was the person who felt her feelings best be communicated via drawings. 

Honestly, do yourself a favour today, grab your iPhone, have a scroll through your Notes App and try your absolute hardest to remember exactly where you were and how you were feeling when you wrote each weird entry. 

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