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Euro Summer Might Be Cancelled, But You Can Still Feast On Plane Food

If that's your thing.

Sadly, the global pandemic has pulled the pin on many of our overseas travel plans and most recently, Euro summer – which would’ve seen thousands of Aussies flock to the Instagram-worthy islands of Greece and Italy from this month onwards. However, it’s not all bad news. If you can’t get rid of your travel bug, and you’re craving that mid-flight feeling – you can still feast on plane food for less than your morning coffee.

According to, with countless flights grounded until travel restrictions lift, airlines are offering frozen packaged plane meals to the public for as little as $2 per dish.

It’s all part of an initiative from Gate Gourmet, one of the world’s largest in-flight catering companies who provides meals to Virgin Australia and a bunch of international airlines flying into Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Gate Gourmet’s official website offers pick up of vegetarian and non-vegetarian microwave-ready meal packs that cost between $20 and $40. The mixed lunch/dinner pack features a decent-looking lasagne, curry, noodles and more, while the breakie pack contains scrambled eggs, mushrooms, potato and spinach. 

Credit: Gate Gourmet

Interestingly, there is a warning that the food might taste different to what you’d expect 30,000 feet in the air. Apparently, high altitudes actually dull the taste buds, so extra salt and umami taste is added for flavour. 

Credit: Gate Gourmet

It’s a great way to get rid of the unused food, but plane food can be quite divisive. Not everyone likes their meat and three veg packaged and presented and perfect cubes with a mysterious-looking brown sauce. Plus, Gate Gourmet’s meal packs won’t come with the bread rolls or cheese and crackers that get thrown in mid-flight.

Speaking of food amidst the pandemic, hear about our iso baking habits below:

The offer of plane food isn’t the only way folks have been curing their itchy feet. Back in April, when the pandemic was first upon us, Kirsty Russell and her family went to the effort of recreating their entire 15-hour flight to Germany – from home. 

The Russells mimicked everything from the plane seating to the tickets and even the security check-in process. 

It’s a lot of effort to feel like that dream overseas holiday is still a reality, but you know what they say about desperate times and desperate measures.

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