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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Marie Kondo Played The Long Game And Scammed Us Into Buying Useless Crap Back From Her

Well played, Marie Kondo, well played.

We’ve all been played, folks. It turns out that Marie Kondo and her Netflix show, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, about decluttering everything in your life and home is nothing but the first step of a grand scam.

Tidying Up With Marie Kondo hooked all us Netflix watchers in by flogging some valuable lessons about getting rid of the crap in our homes and lives, and generally “sparking joy” whenever we can or something.

With everyone’s house now empty, it’s the time to start filling it up with stuff again and Marie Kondo is here to help you out with that courtesy of her new online store.

So in short, the woman who made her name on selling the idea of freeing your life with useless crap is now pushing useless crap to her fans. Talk about a heel face turn that rivals any Oscar-winning Hollywood drama.

It’s actually impressive how Marie Condo strung us along all this time.

Described as a “collection of items that spark joy for Marie and enhance your everyday routine,” Marie Kondo’s online store is stuffed full of pricy items that includes a $12 Shiatsu massage stick (it’s literally just a sharpened stick), $34 food storage containers, $96 ladles, $50 tuning forks, and some tool called a “Crumb Brush” that costs $24.

Not sure if a $200 tea container will spark me joy, Marie, but I can see how it’ll spark you (and your wallet) joy.

To be fair, Kondo has never been about minimalism and she did tell The Wall Street Journal that the idea of the store isn’t to promote consumerism but rather came out of people asking her what she likes to have around her house. Having said that, I’m not sure everyone is an affluent woman who likes having $208 leather room shoes lying around.

Needless to say that this act of capitalism wasn’t lost on the internet and folks quickly took Kondo to task for her wild, money-grabbing flex.

Bravo, Marie Kondo, bravo. You got us good.

Somewhere out there, she is having $30 matcha green tea with Gwyneth Paltrow and laughing about how easy it is to sell overly priced junk to people. Don’t be surprised if jade eggs start popping up on Kondo’s store at some point.