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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Kit Harington Confesses His Favourite GoT Scene, Proves He’s A Hardcore Romantic

Excuse me, I'm emotional.

In spite of Jon Snow’s tough, stoic exterior, we know he has a soft side. You can’t be that broody and not have emotional depths like deep wells we would like to take a dip in.

Anyway, it looks like Kit Harington isn’t fussed with the whole stoicism thing and is just openly sentimental. The damn cutie.

While dishing his thoughts on the past, present, and future of his Game of Thrones life to Entertainment Weeklyhe confessed which scene from the eight seasons of the series is his favourite.

He started by saying, “I’m very proud of ‘The Battle of the Bastards,” the one [long continuous take of Jon Snow fighting] through the horses,” which is the boring part to be honest.

Then the truth comes out – it’s the scenes with Ygritte, AKA Rose Leslie, AKA Kit Harington’s now-wife, that he loves most.

“And I’ll always be proud of seasons 2 and 3 with [his wife Rose Leslie as Ygritte]. While I think there were storylines people enjoyed more, just when Rose and I are walking through the wilderness — those are some of the favorite shots I’ve done.”

So basically, it’s the time that he spent falling in love with Rose Leslie on set that make up his favourite scenes in the show. Fair.

We loved them too.

Ygritte was awesome.

And these scenes are still some of the most iconic.

Bless Kit Harington, the sweet romantic hottie, who can watch himself fall in love with his wife via Game of Thrones reruns whenever he wants.