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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Will Smith's Being Replaced In Suicide Squad 2 By The Reigning Sexiest Man Alive

Can we replace him in the first one too?

We live in the age of remakes, reboots and rehashes, and it’s starting to look like Suicide Squad 2 will set a new record for the shortest time between the original film and the reboot.

That’s what they do.

Not only has sacked Guardians Of The Galaxy director James Gunn been brought on to write, direct and have “a completely new take on the property“, but a key character is being recast, and it should be a significant improvement.

Deadshot was played by Will Smith in the first movie, but clearly he didn’t have enough fun to make it a scheduling priority (clashes with promo for his creepy genie?), because news came last week that he wouldn’t be returning for the sequel.

This is actually a blessing on us all, because sources have told multiple outlets, including Variety and TheWrap, that he will be replaced by the current reigning Seixest Man Alive, and your next James Bond if the casting gods are good:

Yes, Idris Elba.

Sexy Villainous Assassin Idris Elba.

While it might be a rumour from Elba’s camp to get his name in headlines ahead of his new Netflix Original Turn Up Charlie, it also might be a leak from DC to actually get people excited about the prospect of a second Suicide Squad movie.

More like the entire human population.

The full cast for the sequel hasn’t been announced, although they’d be mad not to pay Margot Robbie whatever she wants to return as Harley Quinn – she’s already clearly the breakout star of the franchise, to the point where the Birds Of Prey movie has been hijacked with a Harley-focused subtitle longer than the actual script.

So if they can just do something about Jared Leto’s whole deal, they’ll have me on board.