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Other Iconic Boyband Members Who Would Make A Better Prince Eric Than Harry Styles

Swimmin' in Styles.

Harry Styles just lost out on the role of Elvis Presley but he ain’t wasting time wallowing because he’s apparently in talks to play another icon: Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid. 

Sure, Eric doesn’t have the same cool boi/bad boi vibe as The King of Rock, but he played a pretty pivotal role in my sexual awakening so there’ll always be a soft spot for him and his baby blues in my heart. 

Never-mind that he was a totally boring prince with no depth of character whatsoever – I love him. 

Also, he has a dog. Source: Giphy

Harry has more than proven himself as a musical talent and has done some pretty good acting too. As much as I love Mr. Styles (he too was* part of my sexual awakening) I can’t help but feel like his talents and cool boi/bad boi vibes would be wasted on a role like Prince Eric. 

There’s a whole bunch of boyband members who would make a better Eric than Harry. 

1. Any of the other four members of One Direction 

If I had to to pick, I’d go for Louis or Niall – they have the right white boy look and, if I’m being honest, are the more vanilla members of the band. 

They’re the voices who really help pull the song along but don’t feature at the forefront. That’s Prince Eric in a nutshell: he’s a plot device but not quite front and centre. 

2. Justin Timberlake 

Specifically, NSYNC era noodle hair J.T. 

He would level up Eric’s whole look in a way that says “I’m not a regular prince, I’m a cool prince.”

Heart breaker. Source: Giphy

3. Joey Fatone 

Speaking of NSYNC, Joey needs an honourable mention. He’s the most underrated member of the band who deserves a lot more loving that he gets. 

Also, imagine Prince Eric with that facial hair. The Italians are quaking. 

4. An OG Wiggle 

They can sing, they can dance, they can rock a colourful wardrobe and they already have a bunch of talking animal friends they can bring to the club. 

Henry The Octopus would definitely get along with Flounder. 

5. Jesse McCartney 

You may remember him as a one man dreamboat, but Jesse was actually part of a boy band called Dream Street for a short time. 

The band broke up after just three years together which is just another reason Jesse would be a good contender to play Prince Eric: he’s not afraid to work through tough times (like loving a girl who can’t talk to him and being pursued by an evil sea witch) to find what he really wants in life. 

Sing it! Source: Giphy

Also…he’s got nice blue eyes which totally work. 

6. A member of BTS

It would definitely get the film’s multicultural value up and appeal to a broader audience base (K-pop fans would lap this up). Also, anything that makes Eric more interesting is a yes from me. 

7. Tim from Hi-5

This one needs no explanation – it just makes perfect sense in my brain. If you don’t see it, then you’re clearly not as highly developed as I am. 

Or you’re just slightly more sane. 

I resent that. Source: Giphy

Maybe Tim can even bring along Kathleen’s friend Jup Jup. He’s technically an alien but he looks enough like an octopus that I reckon he could pass. 

Despite all of this^, I will admit one thing: I wouldn’t mind seeing Harry Styles in a loose white linen shirt. His talent might be a waste on Prince Eric, but his chest is a whole other story. 

Ahoy. Source: Giphy