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The Horrible Untitled Goose Needs To Be In Super Smash Bros Or We Riot

Press down to honk.

Untitled Goose Game has us all embracing our inner chaotic neutral. It shouldn’t be all that surprising that the internet is obsessed with the “horrible goose” – we’ve always loved the troublemakers. How can one little waterfowl appear so innocent, and yet be so harmlessly cruel?

Brandy Jenkins on Twitter had the courage to say what we were all thinking, and in doing so inspired others to imagine what life would be like if the goose was in every game, ever.

It could be stealing your blocks in Tetris. Or sneaking up for a huge honking jumpscare in Resident Evil. Perhaps this horrible goose would make a great pet in the Sims, because in a game where players regularly drown people by removing the ladder from the pool, any extra mayhem is a bonus.

I wish I could say that I was the first person to suggest that the horrible goose would make an excellent Super Smash Bros character, but Twitter was way ahead of me. Going to put this out there though – why settle for making it an assist trophy, when this terrible bird has more than enough potential to go up against Bayonetta and Luigi?

Being able to main the goose is not an impossible fantasy, and there’s certainly a precedent for its inclusion as DLC. It wouldn’t be Nintendo’s first foray into meme-based fanservice – they already made headlines recently by making ‘Sans Undertale is in Super Smash Bros.‘ a reality.

*Megalovania intensifies*

Untitled Goose Game is an indie production, made right here in Australia, but just like Undertale it’s been released on Nintendo Switch. And honestly, if the Piranha Plant can somehow earn a spot on the roster, why not a beloved and awful goose?

It may be having a moment right now, but Untitled Goose Game‘s popularity probably won’t last forever. It’s garnered plenty of positive reviews, but it’s still a pretty short and simple puzzle game. Perhaps some kind of nod in Smash would cement its rightful place in the cultural zeitgeist? It would certainly ruffle some feathers.