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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Stray Plastic Bottles In The Game Of Thrones Finale Raises Much Bigger Concerns About The Stars’ Welfare

And let's not even get started on the environmental implications for Westeros.



It’s over folks. After eight long years, Game of Thrones is finally over and boy did we get some finale. But for all the work that went into making said finale – and you can tell that many hours were spent putting it together – it seems like the talented crew on that show aren’t immune to the occasional little slip up.

After that little goof with the stray coffee cup on the Winterfell set, someone has followed it up by leaving not one but two plastic bottles on the Dragonpit set during the finale’s big scene where Westeros’ most important people figure out who should be their next king/queen.

Aside from this seemingly confirming that Westeros is perhaps more technologically advanced than we all expected and the environmental implications this potentially has on the Seven Six Kingdoms, the presence of these plastic bottles has us at GOAT most worried about the stars’ welfare.

Specifically, we’re worried about their bladders.

It’s been well documented that the incredibly-detailed costumes worn by the actors in Thrones are uncomfortable, heavy, cumbersome, and sometimes all of the above. So with everyone needing to keep hydrated while all suited up in those admittedly great-looking outfits, how exactly do they, you know, pee?

That’s…a good point.

If there’s anything we’ve learned about costuming in period movies and shows it’s that it takes many hours to get in and out of an outfit, meaning that toilet breaks aren’t as simple as taking five minutes to duck out to the bathroom and water consumption has to be strategic and limited.

What these goofs in the finale tells us is that John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) and Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos Seaworth) tempted fate by keeping themselves hydrated during the filming of the finale and potentially ruined their bladders (and possibly their outfits) in the process.

It makes us wonder who else on the Thrones cast have pushed their bladders to breaking point during filming.

That’s not acting.

There’s a lot to unpack in the finale but let’s just spare a thought for the poor production crew who will undoubtedly cop a heap of flak from the internet for those stray plastic bottles, the actors and actress’s bladders, and the poor people working in costume department who have to maintain those sullied outfits every day.