It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Daenerys Won't Get The Iron Throne But She Won The Internet

Daenerys Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the Internet and the Mother of Memes.

Game of Thrones Season 8 is two episodes deep and tensions have been high.

Pressure changes people. Like a diamond, some blossom. Others crack. Daenerys Targaryen belongs to the latter group of people- pressure does not look good on her.

We’ve always known Dany is goal-driven and a badass, but her desire to be queen has made her into an ugly power-hungry sub-human and she’s quickly slipping from the top spot as my favourite Thrones character.

The more she reminds people that she is their queen and demands respect, the more she slips down my own respect metre.

Respect needs to be earned.

Seriously, I just want to punch her smug face.

Wipe that smug look off your face.

If you ask me, she’s more likely to go mad/get killed than sit on the Iron Throne. But there IS one title that I will happily give Daenerys: Meme Queen.

Because of this stunning still that came out of this week’s episode:

Yeah, nah.

The Mother of Dragons squint says “I’m only being nice to you because I have to” and is applicable to many of life’s situations.

Them: “I don’t understand, why are you still single?”. Me:

hahaha neither do I.

“Do you have more sizes in the back?”

I’ll go check for the tenth time. 

“What a cute baby!”

Ugliest baby I’ve ever seen.

“I’d like to speak to your supervisor.”

I’ll go get them now. 

“Did you just fart?”

Lol no.

Me: “I’m FINE.” Also me:

*screams internally*

On behalf of the people of the internet I would like to issue a big thank you to Daenerys Targaryen for providing us with this priceless content.

She won’t get the Iron Throne, but she does have great meme status and that’s gotta count for something.