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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Bran Just Shared An Alternate Ending To The Battle Of Winterfell And It's Beautiful

And they all lived happily ever after?

Warning: The post is dark and full of spoilers.

While most major characters managed to survive Game Of Thrones’ Battle of Winterfell, the biggest threat to Westeros was killed when Arya stabbed the Night King, killing him and his army.

However, it looks like there could have been a different ending to the episode which sees a happier future for the Night King.

The Night King and Bran Stark have always had a special connection, with many even theorising Bran is the Night King.

Now, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran on the show, has taken to Instagram to reveal an alternate ending to the episode, and it’s beautiful.

He wrote, “Here’s a still taken from the alternate episode 3 ending in which the Night King becomes Bran’s carer and they both live happily ever after.”

Who knew the Night King, who’s played by Vladimír Furdík, could be so sweet?

Perhaps, he felt really guilty about all the destruction he’d caused and wanted to make up for it by being Bran’s carer?

Sadly, we’ll never know for sure.