It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Gin Mayonnaise Is A Thing Now If You’d Like To Get Drunk While Eating Fries

No, thank you.

Oh, hello there, friends. Happy weekend. I’m here to ruin your sunny day by letting you know that a new, truly terrible-sounding, variety of condiment has made its way into the public arena.

As you might already know, gin-lovers like to add the spirit into just about anything. Advent calendars, tea, jam… the list goes on. And I take no issue with that. I once was a dedicated gin fan; I get the obsession.  

Gin, that is.
Credit: Disney

But I think there’s a line we need not cross, people.

I could be completely wrong, here. But the sound of gin mixed with thick, creamy mayonnaise is gag-inducing for me. I, for the life of me, cannot picture the two marrying happily.

Delicious mag wrote about the birth of the unusual topping this week, crediting the concept to Amsterdam restaurant Mossel & Gin.

As the Gin Mayo website shares, the ingredients are pretty straightforward. The team has mixed a standard mayonnaise recipe of oil, vinegar, egg, sugar and mustard with a swig (5%) of Bobby’s Gin. 

According to the Gin Mayo folks, this concoction is best paired with fries, seafood and burgers. But do be warned that there is literal booze in the sauce (albeit a pretty small amount), so don’t eat and drive, friends!

While I’m more partial to a serve of aioli and have no desire to add gin to my mayo, this might be right up your alley. If that’s the case, know that you can place an order for a minimum of 48 tubes (or two boxes) on the Gin Mayo website. Which, if you’re like most of the gin fans I know, should seem like a pretty normal amount.

Gin with your eggs in the morning sounds fine, right?