It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Actress Emily Havea Reacts To Sexist Quotes From Famous Men

Just some quotes from rude dudes.

Emily Havea is one of Australia’s rising talents with notable credits from Wentworth and Growing Up Gracefully but now Havea is set to star in Darlinghurst Theatre Company’s production, I’m With Her, a collection of unique stories from leading women in their fields such as former Prime Minister Julia Gillard and AFL player Erin Phillips retold with actors bringing their stories to life.

As the production focuses on the perseverance of women, GOAT had the opportunity to sit down with Emily Havea to go through some notable quotes from famous men and let’s be honest, reflect on how disgusting they are.

Darlinghurst Theatre’s Production, I’m With Her is showing at the Eternity Playhouse between 11th November to the 1st of December.

Head here more information and tickets.