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The Real Grades That Matter When You Leave Uni And Try To Get A Job

Stress less about that academic transcript.

After years of stressing over assignments, cramming for exams and a slightly worrying reliance on caffeine, you’ve finally graduated uni with that fancy degree. And yet there’s that nagging feeling in the back of your head that everything isn’t going to be alright.

Sure you’ve got that hard-earned piece of paper but you’re worried that the smattering of Ps and Fs across your academic transcript may hinder your chances in getting a job. If only you had worked harder for that distinction instead of going to that end-of-semester uni party.

But here’s the honest truth about your uni grades: they don’t really matter when you’re looking for a job.

Unless you’re going for post-grad study programs, employers don’t really give a damn whether your academic transcript is filled with HDs or has more Fs than an internet forum paying their respects.

Instead of stressing over your grades, focus your energy on things that will actually affect your job prospects after leaving uni, such as:

A tiny bit of relevant work experience

Employers don’t really care how many textbooks you can memorise in a night. What they do care about is how much relevant industry experience you have and stuff you actually know how to do.

Distinctions carry far less weight than, say, that internship you did last summer. Employers value people who’ve had real world working experience over those who’ve spent the entire time studying because they’re a proven quantity.

Luckily for you, unis such as Federation University have leading Industry Placement Programs and work integrated learning so you’ll be given an opportunity to gain valuable industry experience before you’re sent off into the real world.

Have hobbies outside of work and study

All work no play makes every potential employee a less attractive prospect. Modern workplaces are all about teams and teamwork, so doing something productive and fun outside of uni shows employers you’re an actual person who can be a team player and not a one-dimensional study machine who’s only capable of speaking in mathematical formulas.

So dedicate some time to outside hobbies because not only will it help your stress but it’ll look good on your resume, especially if you participate in team-based activities.

A+ social and conversational skills

Okay, you’ve got some work experience and a bunch of interesting, team-based hobbies. However, all that doesn’t amount to squat if you can’t converse and socialise with people properly.

Employers aren’t only looking for people who have relevant work experience, they’re also looking for folks who they won’t mind spending most of their time with.

You’re going to be around people all the time at a workplace and employers will want to get people who can gel well and socialise with everyone without things descending into awkward conversations about loving lamps and other inanimate objects.

So now that you know you not only need to fill your head with knowledge, but also fill your life with real work experience, hobbies and conversation skills where are you meant to go to get all of these?

If you’re one for proven results maybe take a look at Federation University.

According to the 2018 Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Student Experience Survey they are rated #1 in student support, teaching scale and median salary to name just a few.

To learn more about how to graduate with the skills employers need head to Federation Uni.